Rubus pensilvanicus Poir.

Pennsylvania blackberry (en)


Angiosperms > Rosales > Rosaceae > Rubus


Stems usually stout, 1–3 m; armature of the primocanes of straight, spreading, or slightly reflexed prickles from an expanded base; shorter hooked prickles usually present on the petioles, often on the petiolules, and occasionally on the midveins and on the axis of the raceme, rarely in much weaker form on the pedicels; primocane lvs softly pubescent beneath, 3-or 5-foliolate; terminal lfl broadly ovate, 6–12 cm, half to nine-tenths as wide, broadest near or above to often well below the middle, distinctly acuminate, broadly rounded or subcordate at base, very coarsely and irregularly serrate to doubly serrate; floricane lvs usually with elliptic to rhombic or obovate lfls coarsely toothed above the middle, many of them simple and broadly ovate or subrotund; raceme usually short and compact, few-fld, well surpassing the lvs, varying to loose and open with long-pedicellate fls. Me. and N.H. to Minn., s. to Va., W.Va., Ind., and Mo. May–July. (R. acer; R. amnicola; R. associus; R. avipes; R. barbarus; R. bellobatus; R. bractealis; R. brainerdii; R. bushii; R. cardianus; R. condensiflorus; R. congruus; R. cupressorum; R. defectionis; R. dissitiflorus; R. facetus; R. floricomus; R. floridus; R. frondosus; R. independens; R. insulanus; R. latifoliolus; R. libratus; R. multispinus; R. ostryifolius; R. pauxillus; R. perfoliosus; R. philadelphicus; R. praepes; R. pratensis; R. recurvans; R. subsolanus; R. wisconsinensis)
Shrubs, 10–30 dm, armed. Stems ?biennial?, erect to arching, glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy, eglandular or sparsely to moderately, rarely densely, sessile-to short-stipitate-glandular, not pruinose; prickles sparse to dense, erect or slightly retrorse, stout, 4–10 mm, broad-based. Leaves deciduous, palmately compound, ?not lustrous?; stipules filiform to narrowly lanceolate, (3–)5–15(–20) mm; leaflets (3–)5(–7), terminal ovate to lanceolate, 5–15 × 3–13 cm, base rounded to shallowly cordate, unlobed, margins finely to coarsely singly or doubly serrate, apex acuminate to long-attenuate, abaxial surfaces ?green?, usually with retrorse prickles on midveins, moderately hairy, eglandular or sparsely to moderately sessile-to short-stipitate-glandular along veins. Inflorescences terminal ?on short shoots, usually appearing axillary?, (2–)5–12(–16)-flowered, cymiform, racemiform, or thyrsiform. Pedicels unarmed or prickles sparse, erect, glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy, eglandular or sparsely to moderately sessile-to short-stipitate-glandular. Flowers bisexual; petals white, usually obovate to elliptic, rarely suborbiculate, 8–40 mm; filaments filiform; ovaries glabrous. Fruits black, globose to cylindric, 1–2 cm; drupelets 10–100, strongly coherent, separating with torus attached. 2n = 14, 21, 28, 35, 36, 42.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support climber
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 2.0 - 2.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Thickets, borders of woods and clearings. Woodlands, savannahs, prairies, fields, meadows, swamps, rock outcrops, sand dunes, sandy soil, disturbed areas, dry to wet soil; at elevations up to 1,400 metres.
Light 6-9
Soil humidity 3-5
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses breeding dye food gene source medicinal
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings. Seeds needs stratification.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment stratification
Minimum temperature (C°) -23
Optimum temperature (C°) 14 - 20
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Rubus pensilvanicus leaf picture by Jessica Nicholson (cc-by-sa)
Rubus pensilvanicus leaf picture by Mia M (cc-by-sa)


Rubus pensilvanicus flower picture by Jessica Nicholson (cc-by-sa)
Rubus pensilvanicus flower picture by seadust (cc-by-sa)
Rubus pensilvanicus flower picture by Michelle Bak (cc-by-sa)


Rubus pensilvanicus world distribution map, present in Canada, New Zealand, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-0001007097
COL ID 87C92
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Rubus pensilvanicus f. pensilvanicus Rubus amnicola Rubus burnhamii Rubus originalis Rubus paludivagus Rubus andrewsianus Rubus arvensis Rubus bellobatus Rubus densissimus Rubus gnarus Rubus oklahomus Rubus prestonensis Rubus barbarus Rubus facetus Rubus independens Rubus abundiflorus Rubus floridus Rubus incisifrons Rubus penetrans Rubus saepescandens Rubus oppositus Rubus ozarkensis Rubus sertatus Rubus virilis Rubus perpauper Rubus cardianus Rubus difformis Rubus heterogeneus Rubus nescius Rubus pauxillus Rubus pratensis Rubus sativus Rubus uniquus Rubus wahlii Rubus litoreus Rubus densipubens Rubus condensiflorus Rubus congruus Rubus cupressorum Rubus gattingeri Rubus interioris Rubus praepes Rubus pulchriflorus Rubus schneckii Rubus senilis Rubus subtentus Rubus subtractus Rubus offectus Rubus subsolanus Rubus summotus Rubus fatuus Rubus bractealis Rubus angustus Rubus arrectus Rubus harperi Rubus zoae Rubus pauper Rubus cauliflorus Rubus limulus Rubus perfoliosus Rubus wiegandii Rubus demareanus Rubus jennisonii Rubus monongaliensis Rubus ramifer Rubus texanus Rubus vixargutus Rubus associus Rubus humilior Rubus defectionis Rubus impar Rubus insulanus Rubus kelloggii Rubus libratus Rubus bushii Rubus heterophyllus Rubus laudatus Rubus mollior Rubus multispinus Rubus philadelphicus Rubus pubifolius Rubus recurvans Rubus suus Rubus tygartensis Rubus fructifer Rubus kansanus Rubus putus Rubus scibilis Rubus brainerdii Rubus blakei Rubus jugosus Rubus honorus Rubus ablatus Rubus abactus Rubus leggii Rubus latifoliolus Rubus frutifer Rubus recurvans var. subrecurvans Rubus pensilvanicus f. phyllophorus Rubus argutus var. floridus Rubus pensilvanicus