Climbing shrubs. Stems densely hairy when young, prickles few, short. Leaves ovate, 5-9 by 4-7 cm, not or hardly lobed, base truncate to rounded, margin grossly dentate, apex acuminate, stiff coriaceous, 3-nerved, the two lateral main nerves with c. 4 basiscopic side-nerves, the middle nerve with c. 4 pairs of lateral nerves, nerves and veins impressed above and leaf surface bullate, upper surface scattered long-hairy, glabrescent, lower surface with a dense and thick woolly felt of curly hairs and with longer, straight, appressed hairs on nerves and veins, distinctly two-coloured. Petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Stipules persistent, up to 15 by 3 mm, entire. Inflorescence according to Merrill a terminal, 5-flowered, compact raceme and also some solitary flowers in the upper leaf axils. Flowers large. Sepals triangular, c. 12 by 3-4 mm, outer ones with few marginal teeth. Petals not seen. Stamens probably with glabrous anthers. Collective fruits c. 1.2 cm diameter. Fruits glabrous (Merrill), red, the mesocarp a thin membranous layer when dry, endocarp rugose, stone c. 3 mm long.