Shrubs 50-100 cm tall. Stem much branched; branches spreading, older ones light gray-brown, with longitudinal fissures; branchlets white, smooth. Leaves alternate, fascicled on dwarf branches, light green, semiterete, 1-3 cm × 1-2 mm, glabrous, base white, expanded and thickened, above base constricted and petiole-like, leaf often deciduous from this point, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescence spikelike; bracts longer than bractlets; bractlets ovate, equaling or longer than perianth, margin membranous at base, apex pungent. Perianth (including wings) 8-12 mm in diam. in fruit; segments oblong, abaxially with distinct midvein and winged from proximal middle part in fruit; portion of segment above wing connivent with others, enclosing utricle, slightly reflexed and appearing rosettelike, apex mucronate; 3 wings semiorbicular; other 2 wings narrower. Anther appendages narrowly lanceolate, apex acute. Stigmas subulate, 2-4 × as long as style. Seed horizontal. Fl. Jul-Oct, fr. Sep-Oct.