Salsola L.

Saltwort (en), Soude (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae


Herbs annual, subshrubs, or shrubs, glabrous, pilose, hispid, or papillate. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, sessile, terete or semiterete, rarely linear, base usually expanded, sometimes decurrent, apex obtuse or with an acicular awn. Flowers bisexual, solitary or glomerulate in bract axils, forming a spicate or paniculate inflorescence on upper part of branches; bracts ovate or broadly lanceolate; bractlets 2. Perianth 5-parted; segments ovate-lanceolate or oblong, adaxially concave, membranous, becoming hardened later, glabrous or pilose, with a transverse, winglike appendage near middle abaxially; distal portion of segments incurved, apices usually connivent, together embracing utricle and appearing conic; abaxial appendage spreading, membranous in fruit, sometimes undeveloped and appearing crestlike or tuberculate. Stamens 5; filaments subulate or narrowly linear, flattened; anthers oblong, apex appendaged, appendage apex acute or obtuse, variously shaped, or very small. Ovary broadly ovoid or globose, depressed; style long or very short; stigmas 2, erect or recurved, subulate or filiform, adaxially papillate. Fruit a utricle, globose; pericarp membranous or fleshy. Seed horizontal, vertical, or oblique; embryo spiral; perisperm absent.
Herbs, annual, or subshrubs [shrubs and small trees] , glabrous, or ± pubescent or hispid. Stems erect, ascending, or prostrate, branched (rarely simple), not jointed, not armed, not fleshy. Leaves mostly alternate (rarely opposite, especially proximal ones), sessile; blade lanceolate, linear, or filiform to subulate, semiterete, margins entire basally, apex obtuse, soft and subspinescent or narrowed to spine or soft bristle. Inflorescences spicate, flowers solitary in axils of bracts or reduced distal leaves (rarely 2-3-flowered with lateral flowers poorly developed); bracts ovate-lanceolate, spine-tipped. Flowers bisexual, with 2 bracteoles; perianth segments persistent, 5, covering utricle at maturity, often developing transverse, dorsal, membranous or ± coriaceous wing (sometimes only 2-3 segments winged, sometimes wingless or nearly so); stamens 5; styles and stigmas 2 (or 3). Fruits utricles, covered by perianth segments at maturity; pericarp adherent. Seeds usually horizontal, orbicular; seed coat black or brown; perisperm absent. x = 9.
Herbs or shrubs, glabrous or hairy; stems not conspicuously jointed. Leaves alternate or lowest opposite, sessile, linear or triangular, often spine-tipped. Flowers axillary, solitary or glomerate, sessile, ☿, bibracteolate at the base; bracteoles exceeding perianth. Perianth 5-partite down to the base; segments ovate-oblong, in or below the middle with a transverse thickening, above the thickening scarious, after anthesis completely embracing the fruit; the thickening after anthesis often excrescent into a horizontal wing; basal part of perianth unchanged or slightly indurate. Stamens 5, inserted on annular disk; filaments linear or subulate; anthers short or long; connective either produced into a point or not. Ovary globose-ovoid; style short or long, split into 2 long arms. Fruit falling off together with perianth; pericarp membranous or fleshy. Seed usually horizontal, exalbuminous; embryo coiled in a conical spire, often green.
Annual or more often perennial herbs or shrubs, usually more or less pubescent. Leaves usually more or less fleshy, entire, alternate or sometimes opposite, sessile, narrow, sometimes scale-like. Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled, subtended by relatively large bracteoles, hermaphrodite. Calyx (4-) 5-partite, the lobes almost always each developing in fruit a scarious horizontally spreading wing above the middle. Stamens 5, sometimes fewer. Stigmas 2, very rarely 3. Fruit with membranous or somewhat fleshy pericarp. Seeds normally “horizontal” (i.e. vertically compressed); testa membranous. Embryo spiral. Endosperm absent.
Herbs or small shrubs. Lvs sessile, alternate or the lowest opposite, narrow-linear to triangular or subterete, usually spine-tipped. Fls ☿, axillary, sessile, solitary or in fascicles; bracteoles 2, > perianth. Perianth segments (4)-5, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, connate only at base, membranous at first, later ± indurate, developing a transverse wing on ridge of back at fruiting. Stamens 5, inserted on an annular disc. Stigmas 2-(3), filiform. Ovary and fr. subglobose. Pericarp membranous or fleshy, surrounded by accrescent perianth, abscissing with perianth. Seed horizontal, with coiled embryo.
Herbs or shrubs. Leaves alternate, sessile, entire. Flowers bisexual, usually solitary in leaf-axil, sessile, 2-bracteolate. Tepals 5, lanceolate, scarious, each usually developing a transverse scarious wing in fruit. Stamens 5; anthers sometimes bearing scarious or bladder-shaped appendages. Ovary subglobular; stigmas 2, sessile or on a long style. Utricle dry, included in the scarious perianth. Seed orbicular, horizontal; testa membranous; embryo in a conical spiral; perisperm absent, filaments strap-shaped, attached to the outer surface of an annular or shallowly cup-shaped disc.
Fls perfect; cal deeply 5-lobed, the segments at maturity incurved over the fr, transversely carinate or winged, the tips connivent and erect; stamens usually 5; styles 2; seed thick, horizontal; embryo spirally coiled; perisperm none; ours branching, annual herbs with linear, succulent, ± spinulose-tipped lvs, the fls solitary or few in the axils of the shorter and spinier upper lvs (bracts), each subtended by a pair of bracteoles. 50+, widespread.
Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled, sometimes aggregated in a spiciform way towards ends of branchlets, subtended by two relatively large bracteoles, hermaphrodite.
Leaves usually more or less fleshy, entire, alternate or sometimes opposite, sessile, narrow, often scale-like, sometimes linear-subulate.
Perianth (4) 5-partite, the lobes nearly always each developing in fruit above the middle a scarious horizontally spreading wing.
Seeds normally “horizontal”(i.e. vertically compressed); testa membranous.
Annual or more often perennial herbs or shrubs, usually pubescent.
Fruit with membranous or somewhat fleshy pericarp.
Stigmas 2, very rarely 3.
Stamens 5, rarely fewer.
Endosperm absent.
Embryo spiral.
Life form annual
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Salsola unspecified picture


Salsola world distribution map, present in American Samoa, Australia, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000033876
BDTFX ID 87145
INPN ID 197341
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Salsola marujae Salsola melitensis Salsola inermis Salsola spinescens Salsola pellucida Salsola praemontana Salsola angolensis Salsola aegaea Salsola algeriensis Salsola affinis Salsola arbuscula Salsola genistoides Salsola zygophylla Salsola tetragona Salsola vermiculata Salsola webbii Salsola nitraria Salsola mairei Salsola lanata Salsola longifolia Salsola laricina Salsola schweinfurthii Salsola soda Salsola papillosa Salsola brevifolia Salsola brachiata Salsola chellalensis Salsola glomerata Salsola gemmascens Salsola crassa Salsola subglabra Salsola tamariscina Salsola turcomanica Salsola nodulosa Salsola collina Salsola aphylla Salsola imbricata Salsola gymnomaschala Salsola dendroides Salsola cyclophylla Salsola cyrenaica Salsola foliosa Salsola gypsacea Salsola paulsenii Salsola lancifolia Salsola marginata Salsola praecox Salsola drummondii Salsola makranica Salsola jacquemontii Salsola chorassanica Salsola canescens Salsola tomentosa Salsola afghanica Salsola buhseana Salsola rubescens Salsola littoralis Salsola acocksii Salsola adisca Salsola adversariifolia Salsola aellenii Salsola albida Salsola albisepala Salsola apiciflora Salsola tuberculata Salsola apterygea Salsola araneosa Salsola arborea Salsola armata Salsola atrata Salsola barbata Salsola calluna Salsola campyloptera Salsola capensis Salsola ceresica Salsola columnaris Salsola contrariifolia Salsola cryptoptera Salsola giessii Salsola glabra Salsola glabrescens Salsola henriciae Salsola humifusa Salsola inaperta Salsola kalaharica Salsola koichabica Salsola melanantha Salsola merxmuelleri Salsola microtricha Salsola minutifolia Salsola namaqualandica Salsola nollothensis Salsola parviflora Salsola patentipilosa Salsola phillipsii Salsola rabieana Salsola scopiformis Salsola seminuda Salsola sericata Salsola smithii Salsola squarrosula Salsola tetramera Salsola tuberculatiformis Salsola zeyheri Salsola incanescens Salsola orientalis Salsola iberica Salsola komarovii Salsola heptapotamica Salsola arbusculiformis Salsola camphorosma Salsola dshungarica Salsola ericoides Salsola laricifolia Salsola micranthera Salsola passerina Salsola richteri Salsola rosacea Salsola turkestanica Salsola pycnophylla Salsola foetida Salsola zaidamica Salsola chinghaiensis Salsola x gobicola Salsola sinkiangensis Salsola ikonnikovii Salsola nepalensis Salsola abrotanoides Salsola junatovii Salsola verticillata Salsola carpatha Salsola griffithii Salsola dealata Salsola decussata Salsola esterhuyseniae Salsola exalata Salsola gemmata Salsola gemmifera Salsola geminiflora Salsola verdoorniae Salsola warmbadica Salsola korshinskyi Salsola acanthoclada Salsola dinteri Salsola luederitzensis Salsola namibica Salsola dolichostigma Salsola etoshensis Salsola pearsonii Salsola pillansii Salsola ruschii Salsola schreiberae Salsola seydelii Salsola aperta Salsola implicata Salsola leptoclada Salsola monoptera Salsola montana Salsola stellulata Salsola titovii Salsola paletzkiana Salsola villosa Salsola tetrandra Salsola acutifolia Salsola cruciata Salsola tunetana Salsola aroabica Salsola spenseri Salsola volkensii Salsola ferganica Salsola sclerantha Salsola subcrassa Salsola kali Salsola oppositifolia