Small tree, containing kautchuk, Leaves alternate. Stipules small, caducous. Inflorescences solitary, axillary, simple, pe duncled, few-flowered, the axis of the racemes densely set with imbricate, decussate, persistent bracts. Flowers bisexual, solitary, pedicelled. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals ditto. Disk extra-staminal, fleshy, flattened. Stamens 3, extrorse, transversely dehiscing. Ovary partly immersed in the disk, 3-celled, with 3 stigmatic lobes; no style; ovules c. 8 in each cell. Capsule ellipsoid, pointed to both ends, hard, 3-gonous, with 3 thick valves, dehiscing to the base. Seeds descending, narrowly elliptic, with a fleshy orbicular aril provided with numerous filiform, fringy appendages.