Large to very large epiphytic orchids with thick, leathery, upright stems covered with fibrous leaf bases and coarse, cord-like, spreading roots. Leaves large, leathery, crowded, often bleached yellowish green. Inflorescence paniculate. Flowers resupinate, globose. Sepals and petals of similar shape and size. Dorsal sepal free. Lateral sepals incurved around labellum. Labellum immovably fixed to base of column. Labellum lamina obscurely 3-lobed, fleshy; lateral lobes large, with large, swollen, cushion-like base, partially fused to column; spur short. Column thick, without basal foot. Pollinia 4 in 2 unequal pairs, hard, waxy, orange, attached via broad stipe to large viscidium.