Small epiphyte usually consisting of a single growth. Stem 10–30 mm long. Leaves 4–12(–17), 30–60 × 10 mm, thin textured, leathery, dark green with reddish lines in a network, sometimes spotted with black. Racemes 30–70 mm long, 2–12-flowered. Flowers opening sporadically, 18–22 × 15–20 mm, usually brown, chocolate-brown or dark reddish brown, sometimes brown and green, rarely yellowish. Sepals and petals narrow, spathulate, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal 5–9 × 2–3 mm. Lateral sepals 6–10 × 2–3 mm. Petals 5–9 × 2.5 mm. Labellum 2–4 mm long, white with yellow or orange markings and red-brown lines; lateral lobes c. 4 × 3 mm, with red-brown bands; midlobe short, fleshy, tip yellow, notched.
Locally common; found growing on twigs and small branches of shrubs and trees in drier rainforests, humid slopes, ridges and gorges, less commonly on trees close to streams and in moister rainforests. It favours the smaller branches of hoop pine as host, even colonising plantation-grown stands (Walsh 1997).