Small epiphyte usually consisting of a single growth. Stem 20–40 mm long. Leaves 2–10, 30–70 × 14–17 mm, green, thin-textured but leathery, sometimes with numerous purple spots. Racemes 30–50 mm long, pendulous, 1–8-flowered. Flowers widely spaced, opening sequentially, 12–16 × 10–14 mm, green, greenish brown, dark brown, tan or green, rarely yellow. Sepals and petals narrowly spathulate, stiff, fleshy, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal 5–7 × 2–3 mm. Lateral sepals 6–8 × 3–4 mm. Petals 4–6 × 2.5 mm. Labellum c. 5 mm long, cream to white with purple markings and yellow tip; lateral lobes c. 5 × 1.5 mm, stiffly erect, broadened suddenly near blunt apex; midlobe c. 1.5 mm long, purple.
Widespread, but generally uncommon, although often abundant in suitable habitats. Found growing on shrubs, trees and lianas in rainforest and moist scrub, particularly along stream banks, but also on humid slopes and ridge tops. It can occur on humid slopes in drier rainforests and is common coloniser of plantation-grown Hoop Pines. The moss-covered branches of the Cheese Tree (Glochidion ferdinandi) are a favoured host, as is Tree Heath (Trochocarpa laurina). This species is a twig epiphyte, frequently growing close to the ground on the smaller branches and twigs of the outer canopy, but it also occurs higher in trees.