Treelet up to 4.5 m high, dbh at least 7.5 cm. Twigs very early terete, 2.5-3.5 mm diam., rathe smooth, light greyish brown. Leaves 1-jugate; petiole semiterete, 1-2 cm long by c. 1.5 mm broad; petiolules 3-5 mm long; leaf axes glabrous. Leaflets elliptic, 9.5-12 by 3.25-4.5 cm, index c. 3, flat, stiff pergamentaceous, glabrous; base attenuate; margin slightly recurved; apex mostly tapering into a short acute acumen; nerves 1-1.75 cm apart, strongly curved, the upper ones looped and joined at some distance from the margin, above prominulous, beneath prominent; veins laxly reticulate, equally prominulous on both sides. Infructescences up to 12 cm long, thinly puberulous; pedicels slender, up to 4 mm long. Flowers described from remains under fruits. Petals: scars present. Stamens: 7 or 8 scars present. Pistil 2-locular. Fruits transversely ellipsoid to subglobular, c. 8 by 10 mm, at base narrowed into a short stipe. Seeds with a small sarcotesta around the hilum.