Stem leafy; leaves 5–8; the lowermost 1–2 leaves sheathing, the next 2(3) leaves spreading, borne near stem base but not appressed to ground, 5–24 × 3–9 cm, broadly lanceolate or ovate, pale glossy-green; the upper leaves erect, becoming bract-like.
An orchid. It is a herb 30-85 cm tall. The leafy stems have 5-8 leaves. The lowest leaves sheath the stem. The tubers are 3 cm long by 1 cm wide. The flowering shoot 6-34 cm long and 1.5-4 cm wide. The flowers are green or yellow.
Median sepal 4.5–6 mm long and less than 1 mm wide, oblanceolate, rounded; lateral sepals slightly longer and about twice as wide, oblique.
Column 4–4.5 mm high, curved; stigma 1.5 × 2–3 mm; rostellum mid-lobe spade-shaped from a narrow base, much longer than side lobes.
Lip 4–6.5 mm long, the apex slightly reflexed, ellipsoid, hooded, fleshy with a small mouth.
Sepals and petals curled under, joined to each other and lip in basal half or third.
Terrestrial herb 30–85 cm tall; tubers c. 3 × 1 cm, ellipsoid, tomentose.
Inflorescence 6–34 × 1.5–4 cm, loosely or fairly densely many-flowered.
Petals similar to median sepal but slightly shorter and narrower.
Bracts up to 25 mm long at base of inflorescence, reflexed.
Spurs 8–20 mm long, slender, tapering.
Flowers green or yellow-green.
Ovary 6–9 mm long.