Plants terrestrial, robust, 0.28-0.86 m high. Leaves 2, appressed to ground, broadly ovate-elliptic, obtuse, 70-230 mm long. Inflorescence dense, stout, 13-44-flowered; bracts gradually becoming deflexed. Flowers rose-pink to carmine-red; sepals and petals one-fifth fused to lip, then decurved. Sepals 9-15 mm long, narrow, partly fused with petals; median sepal oblong, obtuse, 11-14 mm long; lateral sepals elliptic acute. Petals lanceolate, acuminate, serrulate, margins crisped. Lip obovate, entrance 7-8 mm long, apical flap serrulate and crisped, 3-4 mm long; spur 16-20 mm long. Flowering time Sept.-Nov.
Stout, tuberous geophyte to 70 cm. Leaves 2, very broadly ovate-elliptic, prostrate, leaf sheaths dry and membranous, bracts deflexed, dry. Flowers many in a dense raceme, rose-pink to carmine-red, petals with crisped margins, sepals 11-14 mm long, spurs 16-20 mm long.