Leaves 6–8; the lowermost 1–2 leaves sheath-like; the next 2 leaves large, spreading, borne near the stem base but not appressed to the ground, 8–30 × 5–13 cm, ovate or broadly lanceolate, funnel-shaped at base, light green; the upper leaves spaced up stem becoming bract-like.
Column c. 4 mm high, curved; stigma 1–2 × 2–3 mm; rostellum mid-lobe broadly spoon-shaped from a narrow base, much longer than the tooth-like side lobes.
Spurs 10–12 mm long, slender, parallel to ovary, usually with an additional pair of rudimentary spurs below them.
Median sepal 4.5–6 × c. 1 mm, oblong-oblanceolate, rounded; lateral sepals similar but wider and oblique.
Sepals and petals curled under, joined to each other in basal half and to basal quarter of lip.
Lip 5–7 mm long, ± globose, fleshy, the apex slightly reflexed, overhanging the narrow mouth.
Terrestrial herb 40–100 cm tall; tubers to 4.5 cm long, ellipsoid to fusiform, woolly.
Bracts to 30 mm long at base of inflorescence, reflexed.
Inflorescence 13–30 × 1.5–2cm, densely many-flowered.
Petals similar to dorsal sepal but slightly smaller.
Flowers white or bright yellow.
Ovary 5–7 mm long.
Stem leafy.