Plants (150-) 220-400 (-560) mm tall; leaves stiff-textured, basal, suberect, elliptic, 20-80 mm long. Inflorescences rather lax, (5-) 10-16 (-27)-flowered; bracts erect, minutely ciliolate, 0.9-2 times the length of the 12-21 mm long ovary. Flowers white, faintly tinged cream, with traces of pink. Sepals free almost to the base where they unite to form a short mentum, gradually recurving above; median sepal lanceolate, 5-13 mm long; lateral sepals similar, 7-13 mm long. Petals similar but more recurved. Lip spurs green to brown towards the apex, 19-30 mm long. Pollinia with orbicular viscidia; stigma quadrate to broadly obovate, truncate to emarginate, c. 2 mm tall; rostellum about as long as the stigma.