Sprawling shrub to 70 cm high and 1 m across, pubescence felt-like, hairs yellowish white when young, becoming grey. Leaves tapering into short petiole, obovate to elliptic, entire; lamina 3-6 cm long, 10-30 mm wide; axillary hairs conspicuous, silky. Inflorescence a sessile, globular, axillary head, to 15 mm diam.; flowers buried in soft hairs; bracts and bracteoles c. 2 mm long, villous inside. Sepals a minute lobed rim. Corolla to 3 mm long, mostly with simple hairs outside, almost glabrous inside, yellow; barbulae indistinguishable from hairs or absent; wings obsolete. Ovary 1-locular; indusium broadly deltoid, to 1 mm wide, glabrous. Fruit ellipsoidal, to 2 mm long, ribbed, otherwise smooth, glabrous, usually 1-seeded.