Ascending to prostrate shrub, with simple and often glandular hairs; stems to 60 cm long. Leaves sometimes fasciculate, sessile, linear to narrowly elliptic, recurved to revolute, sometimes with prominent, axillary, silvery hairs; lamina 2-85 mm long, 1-7 mm wide. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary spike, some short and dense, others longer and less dense, to 6 cm long; bracts leafy; bracteoles elliptic, 4-9 mm long. Sepals rim-like, undulate, to 1 mm long. Corolla to 18 mm long, pubescent outside, shortly bearded inside, blue; barbulae prominent, papillate apically. Ovary 1-locular except basally; indusium glabrous or ±pubescent on both surfaces. Fruit ellipsoidal, 4-6 mm long, tuberculate, variously pubescent, usually 1-seeded.