Erect herb to 40 cm tall, woody at base, with not appressed, yellowish hairs. Leaves ±stem-clasping, ovate to oblong, dentate; lamina 20-40 mm long, 10-20 mm wide. Flowers in dense racemes to 5 cm long; bracts leaf-like but smaller and less stem-clasping; bracteoles linear-elliptic, c. 8 mm long. Sepals broadly ovate, c. 0.5 mm long, basally connate. Corolla c. 22 mm long, pubescent outside, with yellowish beard inside, blue; barbulae papillate apically; wings to 2 mm wide. Ovary 2-locular; indusium 3 mm wide, long purplish beard exceeding yellowish bristles on lip. Fruit ovoid, c. 3 mm long, rugose, with few scattered hairs.