Female flowers pedicellate; calyx lobes 5, strongly imbricate; petals more or less as in the male flowers, but more lightly coherent; hypogynous disk shallowly cupular, 5-lobed; ovary 1(2)-locular, laterally compressed, with 1 ovule per loculus; styles 1(2), bifid or bipartite, stigmas verruculose.
Leaves alternate, stipulate, long-petiolate, digitately compound, (3)5–7-foliolate; petioles glanduliferous; leaflets petiolulate, subentire to minutely and remotely glandular-denticulate, penninerved.
Fruits indehiscent, ovoid-ellipsoid, usually longer than wide; pericarp coriaceous; mesocarp fleshy; endocarp single, woody, massive, 1(2)-locular, 1(2)-seeded, punctate-foveolate.
Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, paniculate, the male larger than the female; bracts setaceous or subulate.
Seeds ecarunculate, ridged; albumen copious, fleshy, oily; cotyledons broad, flat, palminerved.
Stipules small, fugacious, stipitate, cuneate-flabelliform, glanduliferous.
Dioecious pachycaul trees with a persistent stellate indumentum.