Evergreen, virtually glabrous tree. Leaves alternate, petiolate, concolorous, entire, penniveined; stipules scarious, free, caducous. Inflorescences comprising loose panicles of 3-to many-flowered cymes in the upper axils; bracts early caducous or persistent. Flowers cream or pinkish, bisexual, 5-merous. Hypanthium cup-shaped. Sepals spreading, caducous. Petals cucullate, erect, clawed. Stamens subequal to the petals, erect. Disc conspicuous, forming a narrow ring at the base of the ovary, smooth, glabrous. Ovary half-inferior, sparsely pubescent; carpels 3. Fruit a dry or leathery schizocarpic capsule with basal torus. Seed exarillate.