Rootstock carrot-shaped, c.20 x 8 mm. Stem 60 cm tall, 2.5 mm diam., pubescent in two broad bands, nude below, closely leafy in upper part. Leaves opposite and decussate, lamina c.25-48 x 2(-3) mm, linear, apex subacute, base narrowing to the 1-2 mm long petiole, margins revolute, upper surface hispidulous, the hairs eventually confined to the marginal area, on the lower surface hairs confined to the prominent midrib. Inflorescences in the upper leaf axils, c.6-flowered, peduncles 10-12 mm long, pubescent. Pedicels c.7-10 mm long, pubescent. Calyx: sepals 4-5 x 1.5-2 mm, lanceolate, glabrous inside, pubescent outside. Corolla lobed nearly to the base, lobes 10 x 6 mm, broadly elliptic, very obtuse, slightly cucullate, glabrous, maroon-red. Corona lobes 1 x 1 mm, much shorter than the gynostegium, transversely oblong when viewed from the back, with 2 marginal lobes, the whole forming a hollow box lacking a wall on the inner face; appendage composed of 2 subulate points arising directly from the dorsal face of the corona lobe, slightly less than 1 mm long, erect and reaching just to the base of the anther appendage, both lobe and appendage cream-coloured. Anther appendages 0.6 x 1 mm, transversely elliptic, scarcely inflexed over the rim of the gynostegium head; corpusculum c.0.4 mm long, conspicuously flanged, pollinium attachment subterminal; pollinium c.0.8 mm long, compressed obtriangular. Gynostegium 3 mm high, the head 2 mm diam., excavated under the anther appendages, cream-coloured. Fruit not known.