Ovary shortly stipitate, narrowly ovoid or oblong, attenuate to the apex, glabrous, 1-locular, with numerous ovules arranged in 2 rows on 4 placentas; style short, crowned by a large thick (3)—4-lobed stigma.
Seeds enveloped by a campanulate aril; embryo provided with thin endosperm, small radicle and thick ovate cotyledons.
Corona inside petals, cup-shaped, consisting of numerous threads connate at the base and free apically.
Stamens (6)7(8), with the lower part of the filaments connate; anthers elongate, dorsifixed.
Tendrillous climber or sparsely-branched shrub with conspicuous heterophylly, glabrous.
Leaves coriaceous with the nerves prominent on both faces.
Capsule oblong, 3–4-valved, with a thin woody pericarp.
Petals 2–4, similar to the sepals but smaller.
Flowers solitary or in axillary fascicles.
Receptacle very short.
Sepals 3–4.