Schoepfia Schreb.


Angiosperms > Santalales > Schoepfiaceae


Trees or shrubs, often root-parasites. Leaves spiral, penninerved. Flowers bisexual, fragrant, white or yellow, often heterostyled, in short racemes or corymbs; base of rachis with small imbricate scaly perulae (Mal.). Bract and bracteoles united at apex of pedicel into a small, acutely 3-lobed, persistent epicalyx. Calyx inconspicuous, i.e. connate with the cup-shaped truncate flower-axis. Petals 4-5 (-6), inserted on the edge of the flower axis, connate in the lower ½-⅔ to a tubular-campanulate corolla, free and revolute above, with a tuft of hairs inside the tube behind each anther. Stamens 4-5 (-6), epipetalous, the slender filaments adnate to the corolla tube for almost their full length, free at apex; anthers free, 2-celled, attached below the middle. Disk epigynous, annular, fleshy. Upper half of the ovary superior, included by the disk, lower half within the flower axis, 3-celled below, 1-celled above; style slender; stigma 3-lobed; placenta central, with 3 ategmic ovules pending from its apex. Fruit drupaceous, subtended at base by the persistent epicalyx, crowned by the remains of calyx, disk and corolla; epicarp (which originates from the somewhat accrescent flower-axis) thin, fleshy; endocarp crustaceous to pergamaceous, striate lengthwise. Seed 1; embryo very small at the apex of the fleshy albumen which contains oily substances.
Glabrous shrubs or low trees. Flowers often dimorphous and heterostylous, fragrant, in short axillary fascicled spikes, base of inflorescence set with a few small imbricate persistent bracts, bract and 2 bracteoles at apex of pedicel more or less united into a small acutely 3-lobed epicalyx; calyx inconspicuous, i.e. adnate to the cup-shaped truncate flower-axis; petals (3-)4-5(-6), fused in the lower half or 2/3 into a tube, with a tuft of hairs inside behind each anther, free lobes revolute; stamens as many as petals, epipetalous, the slender filaments adnate to the corolla tube for nearly their full length, anthers 2-celled; disc epigynous, annular, fleshy; upper half of the ovary superior, included by the disc, lower half within the flower-axis, 3-locular below, 1-locular above, style slender, in the dolichostylous form as long as the corolla tube and with a well developed stigma, in the brachystylous form half as long, the stigma then a little below the anthers and smaller. Drupe subtended by the persistent epicalyx, crowned by the remains of the calyx and disc, epicarp originating from the somewhat accrescent flower-axis, thin, fleshy, endocarp pergamentaceous to crustaceous, striate lengthwise; seed 1, embryo at apex of the fleshy endosperm which contains fatty substances, and little or no amylum.
Trees or shrubs. Branchlets unarmed, often caducous, produced successively from basal pulvinus. Leaves alternate; leaf blade pinnately veined. Inflorescences racemelike or spikelike; peduncle base sometimes with persistent bud scales; rachis usually slightly zigzagged. Flowers sometimes ± opposite, fragrant, often heterostylous. Bract and bracteoles or bract at calyx base forming epicalyx, persistent. Calyx adherent to ovary, truncate or 4-or 5(or 6)-denticulate, accrescent. Corolla tubular, campanulate, or urceolate; lobes 4-6, with a tuft of hairs behind each filament. Stamens 4 or 5(or 6), epipetalous, opposite petal lobes; filaments short; anther 2-loculed. Disk annular, fleshy. Ovary semisuperior, basally 3-loculed, apically 1-loculed; placenta central, free; ovules 3. Style slender, shorter than or as long as corolla tube; stigma 3-lobed. Drupe united with calyx and apparently inferior, tipped with disk and calyx teeth, often ± longitudinally striate when dried, 1-seeded; endosperm copious.
Shrubs or trees, branching sympodial on distal shoots, glabrous [hairy]. Leaves: blade subcoriaceous, surfaces glabrous. Inflorescences: peduncle base with persistent imbricate bracts. Pedicels absent [present]. Flowers sweetly fragrant; epicalyx 3-lobed; nectary annular, fleshy, covering ovary distally; corolla cylindric, subcampanulate, or urceolate, lobes reflexed; filaments short, arising proximal to post-staminal hairs. Drupes subtended by persistent epicalyx, with remains of nectary and corolla at apex. x = 12.
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


In lowland to montane, even mossy forest.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -