Cal tubular, very irregular, strongly 12-nerved, 2-lipped, the tube much longer on the lower side, the 2 lobes of the long lower lip united nearly to the tip, the 3 lobes of the upper lip narrowly lance-triangular, the uppermost the shortest; bractlets 2, narrow, closely subtending the cal; cor tubular, strongly irregular, hairy, the upper lip nearly straight, oblong, concave, entire or emarginate, the lower decurved, shallowly 3-lobed, with 2 hairy folds extending inward from the sinuses; stamens 4, ascending under the upper cor-lip and included in it; style elongate, with a solitary, cylindric stigma; fr narrowly ellipsoid, included in the cal, septicidal; seeds nearly linear. Monospecific.