Perennial herb with annual aerial parts, ± tufted, 0.2-0.8 m high. Leaves: sheaths with mouth truncate, villous below; blades 1-3 mm wide, flanged V-shaped, glabrescent or hirsute. Culm nodose, glabrous or glabrescent. Inflorescence unbranched or branched, 10-100 mm long, glomerules 1-11 per branch, of 1-8 sessile or subsessile spikelets. Subtending bracts aristate, equalling glomerules or lowermost up to 35 mm long. Spikelets 4.5-6.0 mm long. Glumes 2.25-5.00 mm long, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, shortly awned, blackish red, red-brown or pale with red streaks. Flowering time Feb. Nutlet ovate, narrowly or broadly elliptic, 1.5-2.0 mm long, grey, surface glabrous, smooth or tuberculate or trabeculate towards apex, smooth at junction of stipe and body.
Perennial herb, up to 1 m high. Culms clustered, sometimes with 1 or more soft, terete soboles from base of culm cluster. Rhizome very short. Inflorescence unbranched or with a few short basal branches. Achene smooth or tuber-culate or trabeculate towards apex. Glumes glabrous or sparsely ciliate, blackish red, red-brown or pale with streaks.