Perennials, 20-45 cm tall. Stems, peduncles, bracts, pedicels, and calyces pilose and glandular pubescent. Stems quadrangular. Petiole 4-6 cm. Basal leaf blade ovate to ovate-deltoid, 3.5-5 X (2.5-)3-4.5 cm, puberulent, base subcordate, margin double dentate or lobed and lobes dentate, apex acute to obtuse. Stem leaf blades 5-8 X 3.5-5 cm, puberulent, base cordate, rounded, or broadly cuneate, margin double dentate or lobed and lobes dentate, apex acute to obtuse. Thyrses terminal, racemose, 8-15 cm, (8-)10-25-flowered; rachis zig-zag; bracts linear, small. Pedicel 1-2 cm. Calyx 6-8 mm; lobes parted to near base, lanceolate, apex acute. Corolla yellow-green, 6-8 mm; tube 4-5 X 2-2.5 mm; upper lip 0.5-1 mm longer than lower lip, lobes obovate-oblong, 2-2.5 X ca. 1.5 mm. Stamens as long as corolla; staminode oblong. Capsule ovoid, 4-5 mm including beak. Seeds oblong, 0.4-0.5 X ca. 0.3 mm, angular. Fl. and fr. Jul-Aug.