Young parts with a dense ochre to reddish brown indumentum of short stellate hairs, rarely with some longer dendritic ones soon disappearing, becoming sparse on adult stems, leaves and corollas. Leaves opposite; lamina narrowly elliptic to ovate or obovate, (3.5-)6-12 by (1.8—)3—5.5 cm, shortly cuneate to weakly cordate at the base to a petiole (3—)6—10(—15) mm long, obtuse or rounded at the apex; venation obscure except for the midrib and a few major laterals visible on both sides. Inflorescences several at the nodes, a (2-)4-8-flowered raceme; axis (2-)12-20(-25) mm long; pedicels (l-)4-7 mm long; bract elliptic, erect, variable, (0.5—)1—1.5(—3) mm long. Corolla in mature bud 19-45 mm long, usually slender, clavate, angular and acute at the apex; tube 13-30 mm long, sometimes slightly inflated, split to the middle or lower. Anther l-2(-4) mm long, usually about two thirds as long as the free part of the filament. Fruit 8-12 mm long including a stipe 5-7 mm long, rounded at the apex.