Slender, virgate shrublet up to 0.7 m high. Branches thin, ascending hirsute. Leaves acutely ascending, widely spaced, not confined to upper parts only, trifoliolate, petiolate; petiole hirtellous, semiterete, flattened above, (3-)9(-11) mm long; leaflets sessile, rigidly coriaceous, concolorous, dull grey-green, scabrid-hirtellous, amphistomatous; lamina acicular, narrowly transverse rhombic to reduplicate, apex sharply mucronate; margin entire, ciliolate; venation obscure, midrib prominent above and below; terminal leaflets (21-)51(-110) x 1 mm, lateral leaflets (16-)43(-91) x 1 mm. Panicles thinly hirsute, terminal, up to 80 mm long, much branched, few-flowered, prominently exposed. Flowers normal, glabrous, styles persistent. Drupe circular, obloid to ellipsoid, glabrous, shiny, 4.3 x 3.1 to 5.8 x 3.2 mm. Flowering recorded in January, March and April.