Quite glabrous; leaves petiolate; leaflets sessile, oblong or lanceolate-oblong, mucronate, cuneate at base, quite entire, whitish-marginated, carinate above, paler beneath; axillary racemcs sub-paniculate, of the length of the leaves or shorter, terminal panicle somewhat longer; drupe globose, glabrous. Branches purple. Petioles sub-terete, furrowed above, 6-8 lines long. Leaflets nearly complicate, oblong-lanceolate, 12 inches long, 4 lines wide, or linear-oblong, cuneate, obtuse, sub-emarginate or acute, inch long, 3 lines wide, coriaceous, penni! nerved, paler or livid beneath. Racemes 1.5-2 inches long, small, panicled. Drupe shining, yellowish, size of a pea, on a pedicel a little shorter.
Dwarf shrub to slender, much-branched, erect shrub. Leaflets sessile; blade glabrous, subcoriaceous, concolorous, dark green to blue green, conduplicate, recurved, narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate; terminal leaflets (3-)20(-37) x (1-)6(-11) mm; petioles generally > 15 mm long. Flowers: corolla white; Jan.-Mar. Fruits an obloid, glabrous drupe.
Dwarf shrublet to slender, much-branched, erect shrub. Leaflets sessile, glabrous, subcoriaceous, concolorous, dark green to blue green, conduplicate; lamina recurved, lanceolate, narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate; terminal leaflets (3-)20(-37) x (1-)6(-11) mm; petioles generally longer than 15 mm. Flowers white.