Glabrous or branches pube-rulent; leaves short-petiolate; leaflets sessile, obovate-cuneate, emarginate, mucronulate, quite entire, with revolute margins, coriaceous, shining, with raised veins on both sides; panicles axillary, longer than the leaves, glabrous or puberulous; flowers dioecious; drupe globose, glabrous. Very similar to the preceding, differs by the more coriaceous ribbed leaflets, longer panicles, and very minute, dioecious flowers. Petioles 3-6 lines long, with small wings. Leaflets 1 inch long, 6 lines wide, or ij-2 inches long, 9-12 lines wide, very obtuse or truncate-retuse, with a very short mucro; the lateral ones erect, smaller, unequal at base. Panicles 2 inches or longer, upper branches 2-4 lines long, the lower ones longer; pedicels capillary. Fruit as in R. lucida.
Dioecious, evergreen shrub to 2 m. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets sessile, obovate, stiff, margins revolute. Flowers red. Drupes tricuspidate, smooth.