Rigid, xerophytic, dwarf shrublet or shrub up to 2 m high. Branches somewhat divaricate, pale grey-brown, shallowly ribbed. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate; petiole stout, semiterete, margined, canaliculate above, (4-)10(-16) mm long; leaflets sessile, rigidly coriaceous, glabrous, concolorous, olive-green, hypostomatous, lamina narrowly to widely obovate, occasionally obtrullate, base cuneate, apex retuse to rounded, rarely subacute, often mucronulate; margin entire, revolute, often dentate towards apex in young shoots; venation simple craspedodromous, terminal leaflets (22-)41(-61) x (11-)20(-30) mm, lateral leaflets (17-)35(-51) x (8-)15(-22) mm. Panicles puberulous, shortly branched, males up to 100 mm long, females up to 40 mm long, mostly axillary, also terminal, exposed. Flowers normal but calyx and corolla ruby-red, contrasting with golden yellow anthers in males. Drupe elliptic, asymmetric, obloid to ellipsoid, tricuspidate, 4.3 mm high x 4.0 mm thick to 7.4 x 5.5 mm.