Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv.

Bristly foxtail (en), Sétaire verticillée (fr), Panic verticillé (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae > Setaria


Narrowly tufted annuals, bright green, usually with few branches at base, usually 20-40-(100) cm. Leaf-sheath light green or purplish, submembranous, rounded, to slightly keeled above, smooth apart from minutely scabrid ribs below collar; margins ciliate, hairs tubercle-based. Ligule ciliate, hairs 0.6-1.5 mm. Leaf-blade 3-15 cm × 2-12 mm, flat, soft, linear-lanceolate, tapered to fine tip, adaxially often with scattered long hairs, ribs and margins minutely scabrid. Culm 15-30-(100) cm, internodes ridged, scabrid above on ridges. Panicle 3.5-8.5-(11) cm × 5-15 mm, often drooping, ± cylindric, with light green to purplish, rather loosely, often irregularly clustered spikelets; rachis hispidulous-scabrid on ridges with very short, minutely scabrid branches bearing shortly pedicelled spikelets, each spikelet subtended by 1-2-(3) retrorsely scabrid bristles (2.5-5.5 mm). Spikelets 2-2.4 mm, falling entire at maturity. Lower glume 1-3-nerved, c. 1 mm, upper 5-7-nerved, ≈ spikelet, almost covering upper floret at maturity. Lower floret: lemma 5-7-nerved; palea hyaline, nerveless, to ½ length of lemma. Upper floret: lemma = spikelet, elliptic-oblong, subacute, pale cream, convex, thinly crustaceous, finely rugose; palea of same texture as lemma, keels not thickened, interkeel flat; anthers 0.6-0.9 mm; caryopsis c. 1.5 mm.
Annual 3–10 dm, scabrous just beneath the infl; sheaths ciliate-margined above; blades flat, 10–25 cm × 5–15 mm, scabrous on both sides, sometimes also with scattered hairs above; infl erect, yellow-green or purplish, 5–15 cm, cylindric but lobulate, the branches verticillate, the axis scabrous-hispid on the angles, not villous; bristle one below each spikelet, 4–7 mm; spikelets 2–2.2 mm; first glume 1(–3)-veined, a third as long as the spikelet, the second 5-veined, nearly as long as the spikelet; sterile lemma nearly as long as the spikelet, clasping a rather broad palea half as long; fertile lemma transversely finely rugulose; 2n=36. Native of the Old World, now widespread in N. Amer. as a weed in gardens and greenhouses, and along the banks of streams and irrigation-ditches. Var. verticillata has the bristles retrorsely scabrous, and the axis of the panicle is retrorsely scabrous-hispid. The much less common var. ambigua (Guss.) Parl. has the bristles and panicle-axis antrorsely instead of retrorsely scabrous. (S. viridis var. ambigua)
Annual. Culms tufted, much branched, ascending, 20–100 cm tall, glabrous. Leaf sheaths thin, glabrous or papillose-pub-erulous, margins ciliolate; leaf blades broadly linear, flaccid, 5–20 × 0.4–1.8 cm, usually glabrous, base subrounded, margins scabrous, apex long acuminate; ligule 0.5–1 mm. Panicle densely spikelike, or lobed with short lateral branches on vigorous specimens, 4–15 cm, spikelets subtended by 1–4 bristles; axis shortly hispidulous; bristles green or brownish, 3–8 mm, retrorsely barbed and often becoming entangled. Spikelets elliptic, 1.8–2.4 mm, green with obvious darker veins, obtuse; lower glume 1/3–1/2 as long as spikelet, obtuse; upper glume boat-shaped, as long as spikelet, 7-veined; lower floret neuter; lower palea much reduced; upper lemma dorsally compressed, finely rugose. Fl. and fr. Jun–Sep. 2n = 18, 36.
Loosely tufted annual, 0.3-1.0 m high, often sprawling; culm node glabrous. Leaf blade 50-300 x 6-22 mm, broadly linear, usually loosely hairy, rarely glabrous; ligule a fringed membrane or a fringe of hairs. Inflorescence a spike-like panicle, 20-150 mm long, often shortly branched and interrupted in lower part; spikelets subtended by 1-4 bristles; bristles 4-16 mm long, rigid, retrorsely barbed therefore inflorescences often entangled, green tinged purple; bristles persistent on axis after spikelets falls. Spikelets 1.5-2.5 mm long, dorsiventrally compressed; lower glume 1-nerved. Florets 2; lower floret sterile, palea reduced; upper floret bisexual, lemma indurated, finely rugose, entire; anther 0.5-1.0 mm long. Flowering time Dec.-May.
Loosely tufted annual; culms 10–100 cm. high or more, geniculately ascending.. Leaf-blades broadly linear, 5–30 cm. long, 4–16 mm. wide, flaccid, glabrous to loosely pilose; sheaths glabrous to pubescent.. Panicle spiciform, linear to untidily lobed, 2–15 cm. long, often entangled, the rhachis hispidulous; bristles 3–8 mm. long, retrorsely barbed, tenaciously clinging.. Spikelets ellipsoid, 1.5–2.5 mm. long; lower glume 1/3–1/2, the upper as long as the spikelet; lower floret sterile, the palea minute; upper lemma finely rugose.. Fig. 127.
Loosely tufted annual 300-1 000 mm high, often sprawling; culm node glabrous. Leaf blade 50-300 x 6-22 mm, broadly linear, usually loosely hairy, rarely glabrous; sheath margin hairy or glabrous. Inflorescence 20-150 mm long, spike-like, often shortly branched and interrupted in lower part; bristles 1-4, 4-16 mm long, rigid, retrorsely barbed therefore inflorescences often entangled, green tinged purple. Spikelet 1.5-2.5 mm long; lower glume 1-nerved; lower floret sterile, palea reduced; upper lemma finely rugose; anther 0.5-1.0 mm long.
Annual; up to 1 m high; loosely tufted. Culms often sprawling. Leaf blades 50-300 x 6-22 mm. Flowers: panicle spike-like; often shortly branched and interrupted in lower part; 20-150 mm long; spikelets 1.5-2.5 mm long; bristles retrorsely barbed; often entangled; lower glume 1-nerved; upper glume 3-5-nerved.
Annual, loosely tufted (often sprawling), up to 1 m high. Leaf blades 50-300 mm long, 6-22 mm wide. Spikelets 1.5-2.5 mm long. Panicle spike-like, often shortly branched and interrupted in lower part, 20-150 mm long; bristles retorsely barbed, often entangled; lower glume 1-nerved.
An annual grass. It forms tufts. It has many branches. It is 20-100 cm tall. The flower is narrow and like a cylinder shaped. It tapers to a point. The spikelets are in rings and separated especially lower on the flowering stalk. The bristles are barbed in a reflexed direction.
Annual, often sprawling, to 1 m. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Spikelets 1.5-2.5 mm, in a spike-like panicle often shortly branched and interrupted below, bristles 1-4 per cluster, retrorsely barbed and often tangled, lower glume 1-nerved.
Panicle 2–15 cm. long, spiciform, linear to untidily lobed, often entangled, the rhachis hispidulous; bristles 3–8 mm. long, retrorsely barbed, tenaciously clinging.
Culms 50–100 cm. high or more, geniculately ascending.
Inferior floret sterile, the palea minute.
Spikelets 1.5–2.5 mm. long, elliptic.
Superior glume as long as spikelet.
Ascending annual up to 1 m. high
Superior lemma finely rugose.
Loosely tufted annual.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination anemogamy
Spread epizoochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3 - 1.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It grows in tropical and warm temperate places. It grows on roadsides between 300-1000 m altitude in Taiwan. It is used in western Rajasthan in India. It grows in hot arid places. It grows in areas with a rainfall between 300-1,000 mm. It grows from 60-2,100 m above sea level in tropical countries. In Argentina it grows from sea level to 2,600 m above sea level. It can tolerate shade. It can grow in arid places. In Yunnan.
Weedy places.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 4-6
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-10


The grains are used as food. They are used in porridge. They are also used for making an alcoholic drink. Caution: Alcohol is a cause of cancer.
Uses animal food environmental use fodder food food additive gene source material medicinal poison social use vertebrate poison
Edible seeds
Therapeutic use Hat (unspecified), Poison (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -23
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Setaria verticillata habit picture by Michel Bataille (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata habit picture by Burg Garten (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata habit picture by Pereira Jorge (cc-by-sa)


Setaria verticillata leaf picture by Joe Daley (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata leaf picture by vazquez andres (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata leaf picture by Sepulchre Frédéric (cc-by-sa)


Setaria verticillata flower picture by Michel Bataille (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata flower picture by Sepulchre Frédéric (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata flower picture by Jacques Maréchal (cc-by-sa)


Setaria verticillata fruit picture by Rolf Keller (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata fruit picture by Joe Daley (cc-by-sa)
Setaria verticillata fruit picture by Edwin Thoen (cc-by-sa)


Setaria verticillata world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Angola, Åland Islands, Albania, Andorra, Austria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Bahamas, Belarus, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Botswana, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Djibouti, Dominica, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, France, Micronesia (Federated States of), Ghana, Gambia, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libya, Lesotho, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Malaysia, Namibia, Norfolk Island, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Pitcairn, Peru, Philippines, Palau, Poland, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Paraguay, Réunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sweden, eSwatini, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000899661
BDTFX ID 63668
INPN ID 123154
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Setaria verticillata f. verticillata Chaetochloa brevispica Chaetochloa verticillata Panicum acuminatissimum Panicum adhaerens Pennisetum respiciens Pennisetum verticillatum Setaria adhaerens Setaria carnei Setaria depauperata Setaria gussonei Setaria nubica Setaria respiciens Setaria teysmannii Setaria verticilliformis Setariopsis verticillata Chaetochloa ambigua Panicum aparine Panicum floribundum Panicum respiciens Panicum rude Panicum verticillatum Setaria floribunda Chamaeraphis verticillata Panicum italicum Panicum vagum Panicum viride Setaria ambigua f. major Setaria ambigua f. ramiflora Setaria decipiens f. latifolia Setaria decipiens f. major Setaria conglomerata Setaria leiantha f. subhirsuta Setaria verticillata f. ambigua Setaria verticillata f. arenosa Panicum semitectum Setaria aparine Setaria brevispica Setaria rottleri Panicum asperum Panicum rottleri Chaetochloa verticillata var. breviseta Chamaeraphis italica var. ambigua Chamaeraphis italica var. aparine Chamaeraphis italica var. densa Chamaeraphis italica var. rottleri Chamaeraphis italica var. verticillata Panicum verticillatum subsp. aparine Panicum verticillatum var. ambiguum Panicum verticillatum var. aparine Panicum verticillatum var. brevisetum Panicum verticillatum var. parviflorum Panicum verticillatum var. retrorsum Setaria adhaerens subsp. verticillata Setaria adhaerens var. ambigua Setaria adhaerens var. antrorsa Setaria adhaerens var. font-queri Setaria decipiens var. schulteissii Setaria italica var. aparine Setaria verticillata subsp. aparine Setaria verticillata var. aparine Setaria verticillata var. arenosa Setaria verticillata var. font-queri Setaria verticillata var. pilifera Setaria verticillata var. respiciens Setaria viridis var. ambigua Setaria viridis var. insularis Setaria decipiens f. schultheissii Setaria pratensis Setaria adhaerens var. verticillata Setaria verticillata var. verticillata Setaria verticillata var. respiciens Setaria ambigua var. major Panicum verticillatum var. arenosum Setaria verticillata subsp. adhaerens Ixophorus verticillatus Setaria verticillata

Lower taxons

Setaria verticillata var. ambigua Setaria verticillata var. robusta Setaria verticillata var. colorata