Unarmed lianes, entirely glabrous; older bark covered with a thin papery orange layer (as in some Salacia species); stems terete. Latex absent. Leaves opposite, petiolate. Stipules reduced. Inflorescences of paired cymes with no accessory branches. Flowers pedicellate, rather similar in appearance to those of Salacia species; aestivation quincuncial, the petals overlapping to the apex. Disc spreading, cushion-like (but thin in the dried state) with a central depression carrying a narrowly columnar androgynophore. Stamens 3, with flattened filaments; anthers with transverse dehiscence; pollen in monads, tricolporate, reticulate. Ovary completely superior, with 3 locules; ovules 2 per locule; style tapering, with a subpunctiform stigma. Fruit of 3 flattened mericarps, each dehiscing into 2 caducous valves. Seeds 2 in each mericarp, winged, with a marginal vein and a submedian vein (the raphe), inserted on an elevated bilobed structure which surrounds the placental tube; cotyledons joined or free; radicle very reduced.