Stem of the type 2.5 ft. high, 1 lin. thick at the base, simple, glabrous; leaves erect, sessile, 2.5-3.5 in. long, 0.5 lin. broad, linear, acute, with minutely toothed and slightly ciliate margins; umbels lateral at the nodes and terminal, pedunculate, 2-8-flowered, sometimes slightly compound; peduncles 0.25-1 in. long, glabrous; bracts 0.75-1.5 lin. long, subulate, ciliate; pedicels unequal, 4.5-9 lin. long, thinly puberulous along one side; sepals about 1.25 lin. long, 0.67 lin. broad, ovate, acuminate, with the margins inrolled at the apical part, glabrous; corolla-tube 1.33 lin. long, globose-campanulate, glabrous outside, densely bearded with a ring of spreading hairs at the mouth and with 5 triangular patches of deflexed hairs on the upper part within, glabrous below; lobes ascending-spreading, 1.25 lin. long, 0.67-0.75 lin. broad, oblong, subacute, glabrous on the back, densely bearded with long hairs all over the inner face, those at the apex forming a distinct tuft; corona-lobes reaching to about the middle of the corolla-tube, about 0.75 lin. long, 0.67 lin. broad, broadly cuneate-subquadrate, 3-toothed at the top, lateral teeth minute, middle tooth subulate, closely inflexed over the tops of the anthers; staminal column 0.67 lin. long; anthers transversely elliptic or elliptic-oblong, thinly ciliate at the apex with very few hairs.
Perennial, geophytic herb, stems usually unbranched, 450-760 mm high. Leaves sessile, linear, 60-90 x 1 mm, apex acute, margins slightly ciliate. Inflorescences 2-8-flowered umbels; peduncles 6-25 mm long. Flowers globose-campanulate; tube 2.7 mm long, lower surface glabrous, densely bearded with a ring of spreading hairs at mouth with 5 triangular patches of deflexed hairs below; lobes oblong, 2.5 x 1.3-1.5 mm, lower surface glabrous, upper densely hairy, forming distinct tufts at apex. Corona: lobes broadly cuneate-subquadrate, shorter than corolla tube, middle one 3-toothed, closely inflexed over style apex. Anthers transversely elliptic to elliptic-oblong, thinly ciliate at apex. Flowering time Oct.-Jan.