Herbs. Stems annual, erect to ascending, branched, 2–2.5 m, herbaceous, glabrous; prickles absent. Leaves evenly distributed, proximalmost smaller, narrower; petiole 1.5–9 cm, shorter than blade; tendrils numerous, long, functional; blade not lustrous, pale green abaxially, ovate to round, 4–8 × 3–6 cm, not glaucous, pubescent abaxially, with transparent trichomes, base cordate, margins entire, convex, apex acuminate to rounded and cuspidate. Umbels many, axillary to leaves, to 35-flowered, dense, globose; peduncle to 12+ cm, short. Flowers: perianth greenish; tepals 35–45 mm; anthers equaling or shorter than filaments; ovules (1–)2 per locule; pedicel 0.5–1.5 cm. Berries bluish black to black, subglobose, 8–10 mm, glaucous. 2n = 26.