Slender, caespitose (?), epiphytic or terrestrial herbs up to about 4 dm. tall. Leaves 4.5-10.5 cm. long and 3-8 mm. broad, narrowly elliptic to linear-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, apex 2-3-dentate, prominently plicate; leaf-sheaths concealing the stems, striate, glabrous. Inflorescence usually 1-flowered, from the axis of the uppermost leaf. Sepals 20-25 mm. long and 7-8 mm. broad, elliptic, acute, the laterals slightly arcuate, slightly connate at the base. Petals 2, 20-23 mm. long and 10-12 mm. broad, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate, acute. Lip about 30 mm. long and about 20 mm. broad toward the apex, triangular-obovate in outline,' emarginate, somewhat crenate, the lamina with 1 prominent, crispate lamella and with a prominent oblong-obovoid' callus at the base. Column about 10-12 mm. long.