Large or small, reed-like, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Leaves pergameneous, plicate-veined, sessile, usually few. Inflorescence a terminal raceme or often re-duced to 1 flower; flowers fugaceous in Panamanian species. Sepals equal or nearly so, erect or somewhat spreading, connate at their bases. Petals similar to the sepals but usually broader. Lip erect, from the base of the column, usually covering or enfolding the column, simple, retuse or 3-lobed, usually concave, a little longer than the sepals and petals, often undulate or fimbriate; the disc smooth, lamellate or lamellate-cristate, usually with inconspicuous or conspicuous callus thickenings at the base. Column elongated', semi-terete, more or less arcuate, with narrow wings (auricles) or acute angles at the apex, footless; anther incumbent; pollinia 8, granular or subceraceous.