Terrestrial herbs of unknown height. Stems robust, the younger ones hispidu-lous-pubescent, becoming glabrous and more or less verrucose with age. Leaves 13-18 cm. long and 4-6 cm. broad, elliptic-oval, acute or acuminate. Inflorescence a single terminal or subterminal flower; flowers average for the genus, purple. Sepals up to about 5 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, broadly oblanceolate. Petals about as long as and broader than the sepals, cuneate-obovate, acute. Lip about 5 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, flabellate, emarginate, apical part crisped, with 2 basal lamellae, somewhat verrucose at the base. Column 2-3 cm. long.