Shrubs or small trees. Stem gray-white pubescent when young; branches densely hairy. Leaves 10-15 cm; stipules subulate, ca. 3.5 mm, tomentose; leaflets 13-21, opposite, ovate or elliptic-ovate, 15-20 × 8-10 mm, papery, densely hairy on both surfaces, veinlets obscure, apex rounded; petiolule short, ca. 1 mm, hairy. Racemes opposite a leaf or appearing terminal. Flowers dense; bracts subulate, ca. 6 mm, hairy. Calyx campanulate, ca. 10 mm; teeth 5, subequal, triangular, hairy. Corolla white; standard oblong, retuse, obcordate, narrowing to a claw, 2-auriculate at middle; wings hastate; keel ovate-oblong, claw slender, equal to petal. Stamens 10, 1 free, others somewhat fused at base. Ovary gray-brown hairy, stalk short; ovules 4-6; style slender, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous; stigma small, capitate, slightly hairy. Fl. Mar.