Sophora L.

Necklacepod (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Trees, shrubs, or rarely perennial herbs. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaf-lets alternate to subopposite; stipules linear to deltoid, caducous or absent; stipels linear, minute or absent. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, terminal or ax-illary. Flowers ca. 1.0-4.5 cm long; calyx campanulate, often gibbous, the lobes 5, subequal or truncate, the upper lobes often connate; corolla white, yellow or blue violet, the standard broadly obovate or orbicular, erect or spreading, the wings oblong, oblique, the keel oblong, usually partially connate or overlapping; stamens 10, free or rarely connate basely into a ring, alternately subequal, the anthers versatile, ellipsoid, dorsifixed, ca. 1 mm long; ovary short stipitate, the ovules numerous, the style incurved, the stigma terminal, minutely capitate-pen-icillate. Fruit moniliform, terete or slightly compressed, somewhat tortulose, fleshy to woody, commonly indehiscent; seeds spherical or subellipsoid, red, yellow or brown, the hilum lateral or subapical; cotyledons thick. Chromosomes: n = 8, 9, 11, 14, 18.
Trees, shrubs or rarely perennial herbs. Leaves imparipinnate, 8–36(–64)-foliolate; stipels setaceous or often absent; leaflets 0.5–5(–9) cm. long. Flowers in terminal or axillary few-to many-flowered racemes; bracts often fairly large; bracteoles small when present, but usually apparently absent; pedicels often swollen or jointed near the top. Hypanthium often well developed. Calyx campanulate to tubular, with very shallow to prominent and acute lobes, the upper 2 often fused. Petals yellow, white, blue or purple, up to 5 cm. long; standard usually narrowed into a short claw, the limb ± reflexed; wings ± obliquely oblong; keel-petals usually overlapping or joined on the lower side. Stamens free or shortly joined at the base; anthers dorsifixed. Ovary shortly stipitate, with several to numerous ovules; style incurved, with a small terminal stigma. Fruit moniliform, often winged, 1–14-seeded, dehiscent or coriaceous to fleshy and indehiscent. Seeds obovoid or globose, usually with a small hilum; radicle straight or incurved.
Deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, subshrubs, or perennial herbs, rarely twining. Leaves imparipinnate; stipules present or absent; leaflets many, entire, rarely with stipels. Racemes terminal or axillary. Flowers white, yellow, or purple; bracts small and linear or absent. Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, 5-lobed, equal, upper 2 lobes nearly bilabiate. Standard orbicular, oblong, elliptic, obovate, or oblanceolate; wings asymmetric or symmetric; keel similar to wings. Stamens 10, free or fused at base; anthers ver­satile. Ovary stalk short or absent; ovules several to many; stigma small, terminal, globose. Legumes cylindric, moniliform, fleshy or leathery, sometimes winged, indehiscent or tardily dehiscent. Seeds 1 to many, ovate, elliptic, or subspheroidal, black, dark brown, or light red.
Fls large, racemose or panicled; calyx oblique, teeth short; standard broad, wings < keel. Stamens 10, free. Ovary stipitate, ovules ∞; style incurved, stigma terminal. Pods moniliform, elongate, terete or 4-winged, coriac. to woody, ind. or dehiscent by valves. Seeds ± globose, testa hardened. Trees or shrubs with imparipinnate lvs. About 30 spp. of temperate and subtropical regions in both hemispheres. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Petals yellow, white, blue or purple, small to rather large; standard usually gradually narrowed below into a short claw, the limb ± reflexed; keel petals overlapping or joined on the lower side.
Inflorescences terminal or axillary, consisting of few-to many-flowered racemes; bracts often fairly large; bracteoles small when present but usually apparently absent.
Seeds ovoid, ellipsoid or globose, usually without a distinct radicular lobe and with a small hilum; radicle short, ± straight or incurved.
Calyx campanulate to tubular, with very shallow to prominent and acute lobes, the upper 2 often fused.
Leaves imparipinnate, with 4–18(32) leaflets per side, glabrous to densely tomentose; stipels absent.
Pod moniliform, often winged, with 1–14 seeds, dehiscent or tardily breaking up irregularly.
Stamens free to shortly joined at the base; anthers dorsifixed.
Flowers markedly perigynous, with a distinct hypanthium.
Trees or shrubs or rarely perennial herbs.
Ovary shortly stalked.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-11


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 10 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 29
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Sophora unspecified picture
Sophora unspecified picture


Sophora world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000035778
BDTFX ID 87243
INPN ID 197759
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Radiusia Sophora Vibexia Edwarsia Edwardsia Goebelia Keyserlingia Vexibia

Lower taxons

Sophora albo-petiolulata Sophora nuttalliana Sophora stenophylla Sophora tetraptera Sophora flavescens Sophora franchetiana Sophora moorcroftiana Sophora howinsula Sophora longipes Sophora violacea Sophora wightii Sophora inhambanensis Sophora velutina Sophora saxicola Sophora affinis Sophora microphylla Sophora leachiana Sophora macnabiana Sophora mollis Sophora tonkinensis Sophora pachycarpa Sophora longicarinata Sophora yunnanensis Sophora brachygyna Sophora dunnii Sophora songarica Sophora davidii Sophora alopecuroides Sophora godleyi Sophora chathamica Sophora oblongata Sophora fulvida Sophora rapaensis Sophora raivavaeensis Sophora molloyi Sophora mangarevaensis Sophora chrysophylla Sophora bakeri Sophora interrupta Sophora koreensis Sophora prostrata Sophora gibbosa Sophora benthamii Sophora linearifolia Sophora exigua Sophora toromiro Sophora microcarpa Sophora albescens Sophora xanthantha Sophora fernandeziana Sophora masafuerana Sophora tetraptera Sophora howinsula Sophora reediana Sophora jaubertii Sophora macrocarpa Sophora rhynchocarpa Sophora davidii Sophora xanthoantha Sophora moorcroftiana Sophora cassioides Sophora huamotensis Sophora dunii Sophora fraseri Sophora zeylanica Sophora lehmannii Sophora tomentosa Sophora denudata