Leaves opposite or verdcillate, undivided or multifid, closely or loosely arranged, of ten with leafy branches in axils, 15–55 x 0.3–1 mm., narrowly linear, acute, subscabrid on margins, margins reflexed or not, mid-vein indistinct.
Inflorescences of usually terminal racemes, up to 10 cm. long; flowers usually numerous in whorls of 3, pink, mauve-pink to mauve or purple (or yellow fide Phillips 1374).
Erect, rigid, scabrid, branched herb, 20–150 cm. tall; stems very leafy, numerous arising from a thick root-stock.
Bracteoles 2–4 x 0.15–0.8 mm., arising immediately beneath or up to 4 mm. below calyx.
Calyx 3.5–7 mm. long, variously hirsute within and without.
Corolla limb 10–22 mm. in diam.
Capsule 3.5–8 x 2.5–4.5 mm.
Anthers 2–3.5 x 0.7–1 mm.
Pedicels 4–26 mm. long.