Inflorescence (6.5)15–30 cm. long, loose, terminal, racemose; flowers numerous, pale yellow or cream to pale orange or bluish (fide Mutimushi 3252) with purple throat, long or short pedicellate.
Annual, erect herb (15)30–60 cm. tall; stems slender, slightly quadrangular, much branched, branches erect-spreading, up to 27 cm. long, subglabrous to sparingly bifariously pubescent.
Leaves opposite, (10)20–45 x (0.2)0.5–1.5 mm., narrowly linear to filiform, entire, margins revolute or thickened-scabrid, scabrid on midrib beneath, strict or occasionally flexuous.
Erect slender branched annual herb with obtusely 4-angled slightly scabrid stems 1-2 ft. high
Pedicels 3–11 mm. long, slender, glabrous to shortly pubescent.
Bracteoles 1.25–2.5 mm. long, linear, subglabrous.
Fertile anther thecae c. 1.5 mm. long, ellipsoid.
Corolla c. 6 mm. long, limb (6)7–9 mm. in diam.
Capsule 3 x 2.5–3.5 mm., subglobose.
Flowers yellow with a purple centre
Drying brown.