Perennials, woody rhizome with many-ribbed stems. Leaves few, alternate, simple, linear and ± appressed to the stems. Inflorescence a raceme, the flowers somewhat clustered. Calyx 4-6 mm long, verrucose and/or hispid outside; lobes triangular, woolly on the margins. Corolla rotate.
Inflorescence loose to somewhat clustered, terminal, racemose up to 20(30) cm. long; flowers numerous, alternate to whoried, pink to lilac or pale mauve, rarely white, with dark purple throat, pedicellate.
Perennial herb, erect up to 45 cm. tall; stems several arising from a woody base, simple or branched above, markedly angled, many ribbed, glabrous to minutely sparingly pubescent, sparsely leafy.
Perennial herb, up to 350 mm tall. Stems many-ribbed. Leaves few, simple, linear, appressed to stems. Inflorescence a raceme, flowers somewhat clustered. Calyx 4-6 mm long. Flowers pink.
Leaves alternate to whorled, undivided, (5.5)12–20 x (6.2)0.5–1 mm., narrowly linear, usually appressed, revolute, subglabrous to scabrid on margins and midrib beneath.
Calyx 4–6 mm. long, brownish-green when fresh, verrucose to hispid or minutely pubescent without; lobes 1-3 mm. long, triangular, woolly at margin and within.
Capsule 4.5–5 mm. long, 2.5–3.5 mm. in diam., oblong to ovate-or obovate-obong in outline, refuse, bearing persistent base of style.
Glabrescent, hemiparasitic perennial to 60 cm. Leaves linear, denticulate. Flowers in elongate racemes, pink to mauve.
Erect perennial herb with slender sparingly branched ribbed stem, 1-2 ft. high, from a stout woody rootstock
Bracteoles 1.5–2 x c. 0.15 mm., linear to subulate, subglabrous to minutely scabrid.
Pedicels 6–13 mm. long, rather slender, subglabrous to shortly hispid-pubescent.
Fertile anther cells 2.5–2.8 mm. long, more or less ellipsoid.
Corolla rotate, limb (10)14–15 mm. in diam., caducous.
Flowers pink or mauve with a purple centre
Drying brown.