Trees to about 15 m. Leafy twigs rather slender, slightly flexuose, glabrous, developing a yellowish gray bark. Leaves alternate, distichous, petiolate, the blades narrowly elliptic to elliptic-obovate, abruptly subcaudate-acuminate, the base equilateral and acutely cuneate, more or less serrate-undulate toward the tip, 6-20 cm. long, 2-8 cm. broad, firmly membranaceous, glabrous, the petiole about 2-10 mm. long; stipules narrowly lanceolate, about 5 mm. long. Staminate racemes 2-8 cm. long, bearing numerous rather closely spaced flowers interspersed with minute peltate bracts, minutely puberulent-papillate: tepals 4, somewhat united at the base, broadly oval, about 2 mm. long. Pistillate raceme rather short, 1-3 cm. long, elongating in fruit, minutely puberulent-papillate, bearing 8 or more shortly pedicellate flowers about 2 mm. long, the perianth thickened above the middle of the flower. Drupes subglobose, about 8 mm. broad, green with orange tip or bright red when fully mature.