Plants 100-300 mm high, stem usually simple or branching from base. Corm 10-17 mm diam., tunics of moderately fine, pale fibres. Leaves 5 to 9, ± as long as stem, 5-14 mm wide, closely veined with midrib prominent. Spike flexed at base of first flower, mostly 3-to 5-flowered; bracts dry, crinkled, pale-translucent with brown streaks, without visible veins, outer 18-22 mm long, deltoid, entire or lacerate apically, inner 16-20 mm long, forked apically. Flowers radially symmetric, predominantly salmon-pink or white, purple in centre edged with a violet transverse band containing yellow transverse marks and a pale streak in centre of each tepal, rarely without markings, unscented; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 6-10 mm long, narrow basal part 2-3 mm long; tepals subequal, ovate, spreading horizontally when fully open, 18-32 x 14-21 mm. Stamens symmetrically arranged; filaments 5-7 mm long, purple; anthers tightly S-shaped and twisted around style, ± 4 mm long, maroon; pollen red-brown. Style yellow below, purple distally, dividing opposite anthers, branches ± 2 mm long, strongly broadened distally and ± 2 wide, bilobed at tips. Capsules globose, mostly 6-8 mm long, enclosed by bracts. Seeds usually 6 per locule, globose, glossy dark reddish brown, ± 2 mm diam.
Cormous geophyte, 9-20 cm. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers actinomorphic, stamens and style central, salmon or white, marked purple and yellow, anthers coiled, brown.