Inflorescences umbellate, few-flowered, terminating leafy branches or branchlets, or axillary panicles, very rarely flowers solitary; bracts and bracteoles present.
Ovary 3–4-locular, usually densely sericeous; styles 3 (4), free, slender, with somewhat thickened terminal stigmas.
Stamens 10; anthers basifixed, glabrous; filaments subulate, somewhat dilated and united at the very base.
Petals 5, shortly unguiculate, glabrous, usually yellow, entire or crisped-denticulate.
Climbers, upright or trailing shrubs or undershrubs.
Sepals 5, equal or subequal, without glands.
Samara with an oblique dorsal wing only.
Flowers subactinomorphic, bisexual.