Erect suffrutex, rarely climbing and twining, much-branched, up to 0.5 m tall, spreading. Leaflets oblong or linear-lanceolate, 30-60 x (7-)10-19 mm; petiole 8-16 mm long; stipules ovate-acuminate, 3.5-5.0 x 2-3 mm. Inflorescences subumbellate axillary racemes; peduncles (55-)75-115 mm long, with 2-4 flowers; flowers pink or purple, with a whitish or yellowish centre, 12-25 mm long; bracts linear, ± 1.5 mm long, caducous; bracteoles ovate-lanceolate, 2.0-2.5 x ± 1.5 mm, persistent. Calyx sparsely pubescent, with ± equal lips, upper lip 6-8 mm long, lower lip 6-8 mm long; lobes rounded, those of the upper lip joined for almost their entire length. Corolla pinkish red; standard suborbicular, 15-25 x 15-26 mm, glabrous; wings obovate, 14-24 x 4-7 mm, without surface sculpturing, apex rounded; keel falcate, 14-24 x 6-10 mm, apex rounded, pocket absent. Ovary 9-13 mm long, linear-oblong. Fruit linear, 55-85 x 5-6 mm, glabrescent, many-seeded. Seeds reniform, ± 7 x ± 4 mm, brown, reddish brown speckled black, or uniformly black.
Suffruticosa, 1-3-pedalis, ramis virgatis. Petiolus 4-6 lin. longus. Stipulae sesquilineares. Foliola 1.5 poll. longa, 3 lin. lata, subreticulata, lateralia sessilia. Stipellae minutae. Pedunculus communis 2-4-pollicaris, glaber vel puberulus, plerumque biflorus, rarius racemoso-pluriflorus, pedicellis 3-4 lin. longis. Calyx campanulatus, late 5-dentatus, glaber, 2 lin. longus. Vexillum 7 lin. longum et latum, emarginatum, glabrum. Legumen 2-3-pollicare, basi apiceque acutum, 2 lin. latum, marginibus subincrassatis.