Ovary linear, many-ovuled; style ± twisted, thickened basally, thinning near the middle and then enlarged, flattened and spathulate at the apex, pubescent inside and along the margins; stigma terminal.
Calyx 5-lobed, short, 2-lipped; lower lip of 3 obtuse lobes, upper lip of 2 lobes completely or almost completely joined to form a small rounded or emarginate lip.
Corolla small or medium-sized, yellow, blue or reddish; standard rounded, auriculate but without appendages, glabrous.
Inflorescences axillary, falsely racemose, few–many-flowered; rhachis thickened at the insertion of the pedicels.
Vexillary filament free and dilated at the base; 5 dorsifixed anthers alternating with 5 basifixed anthers.
Pods linear, compressed, 5–many-seeded, ± septate between the seeds, the style often persistent.
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules not spurred, persistent; stipels present.
Seeds cylindrical or ellipsoid, sometimes scurfy-pubescent; aril not developed.
Herbs or subshrubs, prostrate, climbing or erect.