Perennial? herb, up to 0.45 m high; stems procumbent to weakly ascending, branched, slender; glabrous or hairs scattered, short scabrid or slender, long and white, occasionally short and glandular. Leaves sessile to shortly petiolate, somewhat leathery, ovate-to lanceolate-deltoid, 7-30 x 3-10 mm, often punctate, base cordate, apex obtuse to acute, margins crenate, slightly thickened; thinly strigose to subglabrous. Inflorescence lax below, often compact above, of few to several 2(-6)-flowered verticillasters; bracts lanceolate-elliptic, entire. Flowers white to pale mauve. Calyx glabrous, sparingly hispid or scabrid. Corolla: tube 6-7 mm long; upper lip ascending; lower lip deflexed. Flowering time Sept.-May.
Like S. scabrida but leaves sessile or subsessile and shallowly toothed.