Stachys L.

Hedgenettle (en), Épiaire (fr)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Lamiaceae


Herbs, annual or perennial, rarely half shrubs or shrubs, usually pubescent. Leaves simple, opposite, pinnately-nerved, petiolate or subsessile. Inflorescences verticils, 4-oo flowered, appearing as spikes, the bracts leaf-like or absent. Flowers perfect, subsessile or shortly pedicellate; bracteoles generally apparent; calyx weakly zygomorphic, the teeth subequal and frequently aristate or spinulose-tipped; corolla tubular, exserted or included, purple to pink, the tube frequently con-stricted above the nutlets, sometimes witlh a spur on the lower side, bilabiate, the upper lip subgaleate and 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed, the central lobe largest, sometimes with a pilose annular ring above the nutlets; stamens 4, paired, slightly exserted or inclosed in the upper lip, the filaments distinct, glabrous or pubescent, the connective not developed, the anthers with 2 functional thecae, the thecae strongly divergent or parallel; ovary 4-lobed, the gynobase unlobed or forming a nectarium, the style bifid near the tip, the branches equal and acute. Nutlets ca 4, attached at the base, ? obovate.
Herbs erect perennials or diffuse annuals, rarely subshrubs or shrubs, sometimes rhizomatous. Verticillasters 2-to many flowered, in terminal spikes. Pedicel short or obsolete. Calyx tubular-campanulate, obconical or tubular, 5-or 10-veined; teeth 5, equal or posterior 3 larger, acute to bristlelike, or spinescent. Corolla red, purple, yellow, gray, or white, 2-lipped; tube cylindric, nearly always villous annulate inside, sometimes saccate, incurved at apex, throat not dilated; upper lip straight or subpatent; lower lip longer, 3-lobed, middle lobe entire or emarginate, lateral lobes shorter. Stamens 4, reaching upper lip of corolla, anterior 2 longer and curved laterally at corolla throat; anther cells 2, conspicuous, parallel or divergent. Style apex subequally 2-cleft, lobes subulate. Nutlets ovoid to oblong, smooth or tuberculate, apex obtuse to rounded.
Annual or perennial herbs, less commonly small shrubs; rhizomes present or 0; tubers occasionally present. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Verticels of 2-many fls in dense or lax axillary or terminal spikes, rarely infl. capitate. Bracts usually different to foliage lvs; bracteoles present or 0. Calyx tubular to campanulate or almost funnelform, not gibbous at base, 5-10-nerved, regular, rarely slightly 2-lipped; teeth usually subequal, acute to aristate. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy outside; tube usually exserted from calyx; upper lip flat to deeply concave, entire or 2-fid; lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest and usually > upper lip. Stamens ± exserted; anther cells parallel or divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches subequal. Nutlets obovoid or oblong, sometimes ± trigonous; apex rounded.
Cal nearly regular, 5–10-nerved, the lobes triangular to nearly lanceolate, acute or aristate; cor strongly 2-lipped, the tube about equaling the cal, the upper lip subgaleately rounded, entire or emarginate, the lower lip spreading or deflexed, 3-lobed; stamens 4, ascending under the upper lip, the lower pair slightly the longer; nutlets ovoid or oblong, usually hairy; herbs, usually hairy, with anthocyanic to white or yellow fls in small, dense axillary cymes subtended by reduced lvs, forming a terminal, loose or dense, usually interrupted spike. Perhaps 200, mainly N. Temp. Spp. 2–8 are intergradient, and further study might lead to a more conservative treatment.
Herbs or undershrubs. Leaves opposite, crenate or serrate. Verticillasters axillary and in terminal spike-like inflorescence. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved; teeth 5, unequal, less distinctly 2-lipped. Corolla usually with a ring of hairs within; upper lip ascending, concave, entire; lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, the midlobe the largest. Stamens 4, subequal ascending; anthers 2-celled, the cells divaricate (in Mal. spp.); filaments glabrous. Style 2-fid, the branches subequal. Nutlets ovoid, obtuse above, subtriquetrous below, glabrous.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 15 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 21
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Stachys unspecified picture


Stachys world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Angola, Åland Islands, Albania, Australia, Austria, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Micronesia (Federated States of), Georgia, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Lesotho, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Montenegro, Mozambique, Malaysia, Namibia, Norfolk Island, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Norway, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Palau, Poland, Puerto Rico, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Paraguay, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Singapore, Somalia, Sweden, eSwatini, Turks and Caicos Islands, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000036243
BDTFX ID 87258
INPN ID 197903
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Koevia Stachys Stachyus

Lower taxons

Stachys aethiopica Stachys affinis Stachys ajugoides Stachys albens Stachys albiflora Stachys aleurites Stachys alopecuros Stachys alpina Stachys x ambigua Stachys aperta Stachys arachnoidea Stachys araucana Stachys arenaria Stachys arenariiformis Stachys argillicola Stachys aristata Stachys arrecta Stachys arriagana Stachys aspera Stachys asperata Stachys atherocalyx Stachys aucheri Stachys aurea Stachys balansae Stachys ballotiformis Stachys bergii Stachys bigelovii Stachys bizensis Stachys bogotensis Stachys bolusii Stachys bombycina Stachys boraginoides Stachys burchelliana Stachys circinata l'hér. Stachys clingmanii Stachys coccinea Stachys debilis Stachys dregeana Stachys drummondii Stachys duriaei Stachys eremicola Stachys fendleri Stachys flavescens Stachys flexuosa Stachys floccosa Stachys filifolia Stachys fominii Stachys geobombycis Stachys glandulibracteata Stachys glandulosa Stachys goulimyi Stachys graciliflora Stachys grandifolia Stachys hamata Stachys herrerana Stachys hildebrandtii Stachys hintoniorum Stachys hissarica Stachys huber-morathii Stachys hyssopoides Stachys inanis Stachys inclusa Stachys inflata Stachys intermedia Stachys keerlii Stachys kuntzei Stachys lamarckii Stachys lanigera Stachys latidens Stachys libanotica Stachys linearis Stachys longespicata Stachys macrantha Stachys mardinensis Stachys marrubiifolia Stachys milani Stachys mohinora Stachys multicaulis Stachys musilii Stachys natalensis Stachys nemorivaga Stachys nephrophylla Stachys nigricans Stachys nivea Stachys nubilorum Stachys oblongifolia Stachys obtusifolia Stachys officinalis Stachys oligantha Stachys palaestina Stachys paneiana Stachys philippiana Stachys pilosissima Stachys pinardi Stachys pradica Stachys pseudohumifusa Stachys pseudonigricans Stachys pseudophlomis Stachys pusilla Stachys pycnantha Stachys radicans Stachys ramosissima Stachys recta Stachys reticulata Stachys rigida Stachys rivularis Stachys rothrockii Stachys salisii Stachys sandersii Stachys saxicola Stachys scaberula Stachys scabrida Stachys schimperi Stachys schtschegleevii Stachys serbica Stachys sericantha Stachys sericophylla Stachys sessilifolia Stachys sessilis Stachys setifera Stachys simplex Stachys sintenisii Stachys sivasica Stachys sparsipilosa Stachys spathulata Stachys spectabilis Stachys speluncarum Stachys sphaerodonta Stachys spinosa Stachys spinulosa Stachys spreitzenhoferi Stachys sprucei Stachys spruneri Stachys stebbinsii Stachys sylvatica Stachys talyschensis Stachys tenuifolia Stachys thirkei Stachys thunbergii Stachys tmolea Stachys tundjeliensis Stachys angustifolia Stachys antalyensis Stachys bakeri Stachys brachyclada Stachys bridgesii Stachys caffra Stachys canescens Stachys cataonica Stachys chasmosericea Stachys choruhensis Stachys chrysantha Stachys citrina Stachys collina Stachys comosa Stachys cordifolia Stachys costaricensis Stachys x cryptadenia Stachys cuneata Stachys cydni Stachys cymbalaria Stachys didymantha Stachys digenea Stachys dinteri Stachys discolor Stachys distans Stachys diversifolia Stachys eplingii Stachys erectiuscula Stachys eriantha Stachys euadenia Stachys euboica Stachys fontqueri Stachys forsythii Stachys fragillima Stachys huillensis Stachys humbertii Stachys humifusa Stachys hydrophila Stachys hyssopifolia Stachys iberica Stachys iraqensis Stachys iva Stachys jaimehintonii Stachys jijigaensis Stachys kermanshahensis Stachys komarovii Stachys kotschyi Stachys kouyangensis Stachys lavandulifolia Stachys moorei Stachys mouretii Stachys mucronata Stachys pannosa Stachys pinetorum Stachys pittieri Stachys pubescens Stachys rehmannii Stachys rosea Stachys rotundifolia Stachys rubella Stachys rudatisii Stachys rugosa Stachys stricta Stachys strictiflora Stachys sublobata Stachys swainsonii Stachys tetragona Stachys thracica Stachys tournefortii Stachys trichophylla Stachys trinervis Stachys tubulosa Stachys turcomanica Stachys tymphaea Stachys tysonii Stachys venezuelana Stachys viscosa Stachys vulnerabilis Stachys woronowii Stachys zepcensis Stachys zeyheri Stachys zoharyana Stachys albicaulis Stachys gilliesii Stachys grandidentata Stachys hians Stachys hispida Stachys kurdica Stachys lamioides Stachys macraei Stachys buttleri Stachys calcicola Stachys glandulifera Stachys globosa Stachys guyoniana Stachys langmaniae Stachys beckeana Stachys ehrenbergii Stachys manantlanensis Stachys balensis Stachys bayburtensis Stachys baytopiorum Stachys cordata Stachys durandiana Stachys pilosa Stachys sericea Stachys penanevada Stachys petrokosmos Stachys pilifera Stachys taliensis Stachys tenerrima Stachys torresii Stachys truncata Stachys turneri Stachys urticoides Stachys venulosa Stachys babunensis Stachys pyramidalis Stachys iltisii Stachys ketenoglui Stachys pseudobombycina Stachys namazdaghensis Stachys yildirimlii Stachys darcyana Stachys harleyana Stachys riparia Stachys uniflora Stachys marashica Stachys turkestanica Stachys appalachiana Stachys mollissima Stachys obliqua Stachys nepetifolia Stachys nepetifolia Stachys leucoglossa Stachys caroliniana Stachys hakkariensis Stachys glandulosissima Stachys minor Stachys nelsonii Stachys tamaulipana Stachys amanica Stachys betoniciflora Stachys biflora Stachys bodeana Stachys menthifolia Stachys parolinii Stachys plumosa Stachys adulterina Stachys agraria Stachys x burrii Stachys candida Stachys gossweileri Stachys graeca Stachys hebens Stachys huetii Stachys ionica Stachys leucomalla Stachys macrotricha Stachys mayorii Stachys mirabilis Stachys munzurdagensis Stachys obtusicrena Stachys ochroleuca Stachys oreophila Stachys pringlei Stachys pumila Stachys turkestanica Stachys burgsdorffioides Stachys scardica Stachys riederi Stachys vuralii Stachys matthewsii Stachys albotomentosa Stachys alpigena Stachys anamurensis Stachys andongensis Stachys benthamiana Stachys bithynica Stachys brachiata Stachys carduchorum Stachys chinensis Stachys kulalensis Stachys laxa Stachys lindenii Stachys longiflora Stachys lyallii Stachys macrostachya Stachys mandoniana Stachys megalodonta Stachys melampyroides Stachys melissifolia Stachys neurocalycina Stachys obscura Stachys pacifica Stachys sanchezii Stachys yemenensis Stachys aegyptiaca Stachys acerosa Stachys albanica Stachys anisochila Stachys arabica Stachys elliptica Stachys fruticulosa Stachys graveolens Stachys herrerae Stachys menthoides Stachys mialhesii Stachys pauli Stachys persica Stachys peruviana Stachys pseudopinardii Stachys reptans Stachys rizeensis Stachys rupestris Stachys saturejoides Stachys subaphylla Stachys subnuda Stachys veroniciformis Stachys virgata Stachys viticina Stachys willemsei Stachys xanthantha Stachys aculeolata Stachys maritima Stachys mexicana Stachys bullata Stachys heraclea Stachys chamissonis Stachys corsica Stachys glutinosa Stachys arvensis Stachys ocymastrum Stachys cretica Stachys floridana Stachys palustris Stachys germanica Stachys annua Stachys byzantina