Perennial herb, 0.4-1.2 m high; single to few-stemmed, erect with interpetiolar ridges at nodes; villous to hispid; several horizontal, fusiform roots. Leaves subsessile or sessile, drying dark brown to blackish, linear-to oblong-lanceolate, 30-60 x 3-10 mm, base truncate to subcordate, apex obtuse, margins crenate, slightly thickened; strigose with usually bulbous-based, appressed hairs. Inflorescence lax below, denser above; verticillasters usually 6-flowered. Flowers white, occasionally speckled or tinged with pink or mauve. Calyx fairly densely appressed-hispid. Corolla: tube 6-7 mm long; upper lip ascending, subrotund, concave; lower lip deflexed. Flowering time Oct.-Mar.