Perennial erect herb 0.2-0.3 m tall, branching near the base; stems several, simple, pilose with long spreading multicellular hairs and shorter gland-tipped hairs and with a hairy interpetiolar ridge at the nodes. Leaves sessile or the lower ones shortly petiolate; blade deltoid to ovate-deltoid, 15-30 x 5-12 mm, shortly appressed hispid, apex obtuse or subacute, base subcordate to truncate, margin crenulate, not or scarcely thickened. Inflorescence lax below, compact above, of several 4-6-flowered verticils; bracts ovate, similar to the leaves but smaller, usually longer than the calyx. Calyx sparingly hispid and with some short glandular hairs, 5-6 mm long. Corolla white with mauve spots on the lower lip; tube 5-6 mm long; upper lip ascending, 2.5-3 mm long; lower lip deflexed, 5-6 mm long.